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Planning Board Minutes 6/24/10
Planning Board Meeting Minutes June 24th, 2010
Members Present: Maggie; co-chair, Bridget Krans, Steve Rose; co-chair, Stephen Enoch, Larry Klein and Barry Karson
Public Present: Brian Domina and Tom Matusko from Berkshire Regional Planning
  • Berkshire Regional Planning- Tom Matusko and Brian Domina came in to discuss what Berkshire Regional Planning does within Berkshire County. They described the program as a Substrate district, Public body corporate. They are similar to a school district. They are not a regulatory agency. The Mission of Berkshire Regional Planning is to provide assistance to municipalities on a wide range of issues such as environmental planning, community development, bylaws, and master planning.   They are funded predominantly through grants.  The district local technical assistance grant made it possible for Berkshire Regional Planning Commission (BRPC)  to help the Planning Board with the revision of the wireless telecommunications bylaw.   In 1998 BRPC did a mono telecommunications bylaw that was available for towns to adopt if they so wished. The main issue that the Planning Board brought up is that the town of Monterey only chose one spot (Mt. Wilcox) that would be accepted as a location for a cell tower.
  •  Monterey Telecommunications Bylaw- the Planning Board would like to figure out more locations in Monterey that would be viable for a cell tower. Larry brought up the point that repeater towers are allowed by law. Larry felt that it may be possible to put up repeater towers around town and not have to fight the battles of where to put up a tower. Maggie brought up the point that it is possible that no company is interested in putting up a tower in Monterey because there may not be enough interest. Mr. Matusko explained that height and sight are main factors in making a good placement area for a cell tower. In order to possibly increase coverage in Monterey and allow for cell towers the bylaws would have to increase the overlay zone.  The board asked if town owned land may be possible. The lot has to have a 110x the height set back. At this time the bylaw is a good bylaw. The bigger issue is the expansion of coverage. It would be a zoning amendment.  Stephen Rose inquired as the whether or not the whole town could be an overlay district. BRPC thought this was possible but when the land owner applied to the Planning Board to erect a tower on their land they would have to meet a set of specific requirements. Steve Rose suggested contacting a company to inquire whether or not Mt. Wilcox would be feasible and if any companies would be interested. It was suggested that town owned land may be possible. The consensus was that the bylaw was a good bylaw. The bigger issue seems to be the expansion of coverage. This would mean that it would be a zoning amendment. A public hearing would be necessary and to pass it would require a two thirds vote.
  • What’s Next?- Steve Rose suggested contacting a company to inquire whether or not Mt. Wilcox would be feasible and if any companies would be interested. Bridget gave Steve a list of the companies that own/operate the towers in surrounding towns. The board is also going to feel out community members and attempt to raise public support. BRPC is going to attempt to find out if any radio frequency studies have been conducted regarding Monterey and will also attend the June 22nd Planning Board meeting.
  • Sign Permit Application- A sign permit application was submitted for a sign for the Bidwell house. It will be located at the corner of route 23 and Tyringham road. The size will be 6”x30”.Don Torrico, Monterey Building Inspector, signed off on the permit already. Barry Karson wondered about the color of the sign. Currently Monterey bylaws do not designate acceptable or unacceptable colors. Steve Rose made the motion to approve, Bridget seconded and it was unanimously passed.
  • Special Permit Application- A special permit application was received from KSA of Deerwood Park Drive Monterey. KSA would like to put up a temporary trailer to house staff while housing is being constructed. The ZBA will hold a hearing on August 10th. The board decided to put this application on the agenda for July 22nd.  The board questioned if a building permit had been submitted for the previously mentioned staff housing. Bridget will contact Don Torrico and ask him. Further discussion was tabled until July 22nd.
  • Mail- Berkshire Engineering submitted a Doc permit for 16 Woodland Drive which is on Lake Garfield. BRPC is seeking a delegate from the town of Monterey. Stephen Enoch is considering the position.
  • Meeting adjourned at 9:03 PM
  • Submitte by Bridget Krans